How To Control An Entire Planet

– A planetary expose to empower evolving humans.

There is too much suffering in the world today – too much hidden corruption and control that needs exposure and eradication – too much abuse and manipulation and too many threats to our planet’s wildlife and natural environment. More people need to “wake up”, “speak up” and “speak out” to help the world awaken to a greater truth, re-gain their personal freedom and abundance and gain a glimpse into their own immortality, power and divinity. My love of people, animals, nature and life fueled my drive to get this book published—my legacy and gift to all, especially those that have suffered under the systems that were purposely designed to control and diminish the human soul.


This book, partially channeled, thoroughly researched and miraculously validated, took 7 years to complete (and only written after being assured it would be “Safe”, to reveal the truths within it).

It was originally conceived as a warning for humanity—of what was to come and how we could prepare and best protect our individual sovereignty, health and human rights, while preserving life on this planet.

It contains the “Who, When, How and Why” a controlling agenda was set up on earth and why we are seeing only chaos, corruption and destruction  globally today. It also explains why much of our history was purposely hidden from us, why many religious and historical accounts were altered and why even higher education followed a similar agenda—to foster fear, lack, judgment, competition, superiority and division among peoples.

We were never told of our true origins, the power we have to create our own reality or the power we have (as we unite), to create real and lasting change–for “Everyone”!

Unfortunately, this story wasn’t published until 2020 (when the “Plandemic” hit), when our governments began censoring all truth at an unheard of level, restricting its reach and distribution. My only regret (an “Error” to note) was my initial assessment of two world leaders in North America. Since 2020, one leader has appeared to improve, yet the other changed for the worse–creating widespread hysteria, harsh restrictions and massive suffering for thousands of Canadians. (so please accept my apologies for missing their transformation, and feel free to ignore what I wrote on “Governments” in Chapter 8) 

This book, a true labour of love for humanity, is a valuable and needed tool–

providing the “Easiest Solutions” to make our world (and our individual lives) increasingly better. We actually have the opportunity to bring “Heaven” to earth (a forgotten plan of many), bringing in a new reality for everyone to experience freedom, health, prosperity and peace!

It IS Coming!

 (My Hopes? = That more of us will be there!)

*AMust Read” for evolving souls.*

Sincerely, C. D. Hill-Lavalle (a.k.a. “Tandera”)

Empowerment and Evolution Facilitator/Career Coach/Channel

Author & Lifetime Researcher
